Sep 3, 2011

The Caspian connection- Thanks to

 Thanks to

NEITHER THE portfolio he held nor the capital he visited was of the stuffto excite the imagination of the general public. So when Mr. VazhapadiRamamurthy, Minister of Petroleum, returned from a visit to the capital ofKazakhastan early this month he caused no ripple in a Delhi that was anywaytoo preoccupied with aftershocks, seismological and political. But thejoint commission discussions the Minister participated in and the measuresinitiated after these, together with the earlier interaction between thetwo countries at the trade and business levels, raise hope that there willbe an Indian presence, however minuscule, when the new century dawns on
what must be the globe’s strategically most important region.
Central Asia, by any reckoning, holds the key to the stability and securityof Eurasia and, by extension, of the world. If much of the second half ofthis century was dominated by the manoeuvrings for control of the oil inthe Gulf, with global powers involved in fierce competition, it will be theCaspian basin in Central Asia with its untapped oil and mineral wealth thatwill determine the course of global relations in the next century. The samegeopolitical logic dictates that whereas the determinant during the ColdWar decades was the destructive capacity of the weapons at your (or yourmaster’s) disposal, in the coming decades the deciding factor will begeoeconomics, more precisely its driving force of energy availability.Central Asia’s variously estimated deposits of oil and natural gas -besides gold and uranium – will guarantee the presence of all the global
players in strength in the region in the decades to come.
Of course, competition for strategic and commercial influence in CentralAsia is one of the hardest and oldest games in geopolitics. Venue of theGreat Game between Imperial Britain and Czarist Russia in the last centurywhen the jewel in contention was the Indian empire, the region had remainedinsulated for most of this century, forming part of the underbelly of theSoviet Union. The scramble for the region began even as the Soviet empirewas collapsing, leaving a dangerous vacuum. Politics, like nature, abhors
vacuum, ensuring the presence of new forces and new players on the scene.
The independence from Moscow that came with the disappearance of the SovietUnion has so far failed to bring stability to the region’s republics,ensuring that history will continue to repeat itself. Since the 15thcentury the region has mainly been organised politically from without, withRussia entering it decisively in the 1870s. Comprising the five formerSoviet republics of Kazakhastan, Kyrgystan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan andUzbekistan and Afghanistan, the region borders China, Russia, Iran andPakistan and the four cultural zones they represent. A more formidable mix
must be impossible to conjure.
It is at these crossroads that vital games are being played whose outcomewill have a strong bearing on India, economic, political and social. Thecountry’s age-old cultural ties with the region had remained dormant duringthe Soviet period. There was renewal when political contacts wereestablished with the new republics in the early Nineties. Thanks to theirpreoccupation with domestic affairs when most of these countries facedfundamentalist militancy, these contacts were not maintained. Changes ofgovernment in Delhi, too, contributed to a neglect of the relationship. Thecontacts are hopefully being renewed, as the joint commission sittingsattended by the Minister testify. Soon after the commission’s sessions,
Delhi hosted the President of Kyrgystan.
While the cultural links are being renewed and business and tradingopportunities in a variety of fields explored – as Central Asia’s initialinfatuation with the West wears out and it begins to look around forfriends and partners for progress – it is the oil sector that holds the keyto the interaction between India and these countries. India can offerlittle capital but its technical and technological knowhow can combinesuccessfully with third parties. It will no doubt be a painful grind in afield already full to the brim with big time players. In the past decadethe region has in fact witnessed unprecedented lobbying by Westerngovernments and multinational corporations which have invested heavily inprospecting for oil – and, more importantly, planning strategies for
transporting the products to the markets.
The task of transportation is proving the most daunting: bridging the widegap between the producer and his market. All the Caspian countries arelandlocked from their potential markets, without any outlet to theinternational transit system. The full utilisation of their resourcesdepends on the successful completion of secure routes to the high seas. Androute selection in a region with strong pulls and pressures is in turn
proving a marathon effort.
Of the many “best” routes, the favourites have been those flowing out toTurkey, a member of the Atlantic Alliance and so considered a safe bet.Iran is slowly emerging from isolation to become a powerful contender. Tothe east, China has had discussions to ensure that it is not denied a say.Till last winter there was another favourite: Afghanistan which couldprovide safe passage for such pipelines for the journey to the Karachi portin Pakistan. The Taliban’s uncomfortable friendship with fundamentalistmilitancy has caused acute embarrassment and raised doubts about the
security of the pipeline via territory under its control.
Whether the pipelines head west, south or east will determine the fate ofmuch of the region and have an undeniable impact on India in terms of itssecurity and social stability. The current effort for joint venturesinvolving China and Iran, if successful, can bring about a measure ofstability. Throughout the region, the old silk road is being re-exploredand the old trade routes are being rediscovered. Iran has closed a gap inthe rail network to link to Turkmenistan, Kazakhastan is firming up its
rail links to China and sea ports all over are being upgraded.
One development of deep strategic value to the region has been the apparentsuccess of Iran in its struggle with Turkey, the West’s favourite till now.Even as Washington has realised the folly of its anti-Iranian policies ofthe Eighties and started mending fences with the Islamic Republic, Iran hasbeen demonstrating great pragmatism in ensuring that its traditional rival,Turkey, does not gain enough of a foothold to pose a threat. It hasutilised its long border with the landlocked republics to sign a series oftransport and trade agreements. In recent years, it has signed an agreementto carry Turkmen gas to Europe via its territory and with Kazakhastan for
transfer to itself of crude through the Caspian Sea.
India’s close ties with Iran can ensure a role for it in the oil business.Policy planners in Delhi must also be watching with keen interest theemerging developments in Afghanistan where Taliban, the fundamentalistoutfit, driven to a corner and forsaken by its sponsors in the West, hasbeen forced to rethink its strategy. The American objective in propping upthe Taliban was to instal a friendly regime in Kabul that will ensure thesafe passage of gas and oil from the Central Asian region to Pakistan down
south, Karachi being the final destination.
After its disastrous dallying with extremism, the Taliban can be expectedto realise the benefits of cooperating with the other factions inAfghanistan so that a semblance of normality can be restored in the countryfor business to resume. With the prospect of a broadbased government inKabul, India can look forward to a change of environment. The strategic
importance of such a change cannot be over-emphasised.
– from The Hindu, Chennai, dated April 21, 1999

Aug 26, 2011


Madam Speaker,

I have been deeply distressed at the developments of the last few
days. Many aspects of the situation have caused me anguish.
We are all aware that corruption is pervasive. It operates at every
level. The poor may carry its greatest burden but it is an affliction
that every Indian is desperate to be rid off. Fighting corruption is
as integral to eliminating poverty as is Mahatma Gandhi NREGA or
the Land Acquisition Bill. Yet it is equally imperative to the growth
and development of our nation.
Madam Speaker, we cannot wish away corruption by the mere
desire to see it removed from our lives. This requires a
comprehensive framework of action and a concerted political
program supported by all levels of the state from the highest to the
lowest. Most importantly, it requires firm political will.
Madam Speaker, in the past few years I have travelled the length
and breadth of our country. I have met scores of countrymen, rich
and poor, old and young, privileged and disempowered who have
expressed their disillusionment to me. In the last few months,
Annaji has helped the people to articulate this same sentiment. I
thank him for that.
I believe that the real question before us as representatives of the
people of India today is whether we are prepared to take the battle
against corruption head on? It is not a matter of how the present
impasse will resolve, it is a much greater battle. There are no
simple solutions. To eradicate corruption demands a far deeper
engagement and sustained commitment from each one of us.
Witnessing the events of the last few days it would appear that the
enactment of a single Bill will usher in a corruption-free society. I
have serious doubts about this belief.
An effective Lok Pal law is only one element in the legal framework
to combat corruption. The Lok Pal institution alone cannot be a
substitute for a comprehensive anti-corruption code. A set of
effective laws is required. Laws that address the following critical
issues are necessary to stand alongside the Lok Pal initiative:
(1) government funding of elections and political parties,
(2) transparency in public procurement,
(3) proper regulation of sectors that fuel corruption like land and
(4) grievance redress mechanisms in public service delivery of old
age pensions and ration cards; and
(5) continued tax reforms to end tax evasion.
We owe it to the people of this country to work together across
party lines to ensure that Parliament functions at its optimum
capacity and delivers these laws in a just and time bound manner.
We speak of a statutory Lok Pal but our discussions cease at the
point of its accountability to the people and the risk that it might
itself become corrupt. Madam Speaker, why not elevate the
debate and fortify the Lok Pal by making it a Constitutional body
accountable to Parliament like the Election Commission of India? I
feel the time has come for us to seriously consider this idea.
Madam Speaker, laws and institutions are not enough. A
representative, inclusive and accessible democracy is central to
fighting corruption.
Individuals have brought our country great gains. They have
galvanized people in the cause of freedom and
development. However, individual dictates, no matter how well
intentioned, must not weaken the democratic process. This
process is often lengthy and lumbering. But it is so in order to be
inclusive and fair. It provides a representative and transparent
platform where ideas are translated into laws. A tactical incursion,
divorced from the machinery of an elected Government that seeks
to undo the checks and balances created to protect the supremacy
of Parliament sets a dangerous precedent for a democracy. Today
the proposed law is against corruption. Tomorrow the target may
be something less universally heralded. It may attack the plurality
of our society and democracy.
India’s biggest achievement is our democratic system. It is the life
force of our nation. I believe we need more democracy within our
political parties. I believe in Government funding of our political
parties. I believe in empowering our youth; in opening the doors of
our closed political system; in bringing fresh blood into politics and
into this House. I believe in moving our democracy deeper and
deeper into our villages and our cities.
I know my faith in our democracy, is shared by members of this
House. I know that regardless of their political affiliation, many of
my colleagues work tirelessly to realize the ideals upon which our
nation was built. The pursuit of truth is the greatest of those ideals.
It won us our freedom. It gave us our democracy. Let us commit
ourselves to truth and probity in public life. We owe it to the people
of India.

thanks to

Aug 22, 2011

How to install tamil font in bb !!

பிளாக் பெர்ரியில் தமிழ்

மொபைல் சந்தையில் பிரபலமாக இருக்கும் பிளாக்பெர்ரி கைப்பேசிகள் சொந்தமாக தமிழ்,இந்தி போன்ற Indic font-களை சப்போர்ட் செய்ய வெகுகாலம் பிடித்திருக்கின்றது. சமீபத்தில் வெளியாகியுள்ள Blackberry 6 OS தமிழை ஆதரிக்கின்றதாம். ஆண்டிராயிடு போன்கள் இன்னும் சொந்தமாக இண்டிக் பாண்டுகளை சப்போர்ட் செய்யத் தொடங்கவில்லை. கெஞ்சிக்கூத்தாட வேண்டியிருக்கின்றது. ஏதோ ஒரு சொதப்பல் மாடியூலை அவர்கள் OS-ல் சேர்க்க அத்தனை யோசனை. ஆப்பிள் ஐபோன்கள், ஐபேடுகள் தமிழை அழகாக காட்டத் தொடங்கி வருடங்களாகிவிட்டது. இதிலிருந்தே அப்பட்டமாக தெரியவில்லையா ஏன் மக்கள் ஐபோன் விரும்பிகளாகி விட்டார்களென. சின்ன சின்ன விசயங்களானாலும் அதில் அதிக அக்கரையெடுத்து எதையும் நேர்த்தியாய் செய்வதால் தான் ஆப்பிள் இன்றைக்கு ஜாம்பவானாய் நிற்கின்றது என்றால் அதில் சந்தேகமே இல்லை.

பிளாக்பெர்ரி ver6 OS போன்கள் இந்தியாவில் வாங்கினால் மட்டுமே Indic font-டோடு வருகின்றதாக கேள்வி. வெளிநாடுகளில் வாழும் நம் ஆட்கள் கீழ் கண்ட cod கோப்பை உங்கள் கணிணியில் நிறுவ வேண்டும்.

சோ இங்கே சம்மரி.

முதலில் உங்கள் பிளாக்பெர்ரி OS வெர்சனை தெரிந்துகொள்ளுங்கள்.
Home screen போய் Settings போய் Options போய் About -ல் தெரிந்துகொள்ளலாம்.

உங்கள் பிளாக்பெர்ரி ver5 எனில் நோ குட் நியூஸ். Opera mini browser நிறுவி அதன் வழி தமிழ் பார்த்து நீங்கள் திருப்திபட்டுக்கொள்ள வேண்டியதுதான்.
வழி இங்கே.

எல்லா பயன்பாடுகளிலும் தமிழ் தெரிய உங்கள் பிளாக்பெர்ரி OS ver6-ஆக இருக்க வேண்டும். உங்கள் பிளாக்பெர்ரி அலுவலக கைப்பேசி என்றால் கம்பெனி ஐ.ற்றி-காரர்கள் ver5 to ver6 அப்கிரேடு செய்யவேண்டும். எனவே காத்திருக்க வேண்டியிருக்கும். அதுவே பிளாக்பெர்ரி உங்கள் சொந்த போன் என்றால் கீழ்கண்ட சுட்டி போய் அப்கிரேடு செய்யலாம்.

BlackBerry 6 OS உள்ளவர்கள் செய்யவேண்டியது.
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இல்லையெனில் கீழ்கண்ட சுட்டியிலிருந்து BlackBerry USB and Modem Drivers_ENG.msi என்ற கோப்பை இறக்கி டிவைஸ் டிரைவர் நிறுவிக்கொள்ளவும்.

கீழ்கண்ட net_rim_font_indic.cod என்ற கோப்பை இறக்கம் செய்துவைத்துக்கொள்ளுங்கள்.
Download net_rim_font_indic.cod

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Direct download link

பிளாக்பெர்ரியை USB கேபிள் வழி கணிணியில் இணைத்து bbsak அப்ளிகேஷனை ஓடவிடுங்கள். பாஸ்வேர்ட் கீயை டைப்செய்து பின் Modify COD-ஐ சொடுக்கி பின் Install COD(s) பொத்தானை சொடுக்கவும்.இங்கே ஏற்கனவே நீங்கள் இறக்கம் செய்துவைத்துள்ள net_rim_font_indic.cod கோப்பை காட்டவும்.(More detail instructions here.

அவ்வளவுதான். உங்கள் பிளாக்பெர்ரியில் இந்திய மொழி எழுத்துருக்கள் நிறுவப்பட்டு அது ரீபூட்டாகும். இனி எல்லா பிளாக்பெர்ரி அப்ளிகேஷன்களிலும் தமிழ் தெளிவாக தெரியும். hmm... தமிழ் காண என்ன பாடுபட வேண்டி இருக்கின்றது.

Apr 22, 2011

Apr 21, 2011

தங்கபாலுவை உடனடியாக அடிப்படை உறுப்பினர் பதவியிலிருந்து அகில இந்திய காங்கிரஸ் தலைமை நீக்க வேண்டும்.

அன்னை சோனியா காந்தி , தமிழ்நாட்டில் உள்ள காங்கிரஸ் தொண்டர்கள் பெருமிதம் கொள்கிறபடி , திமுக தலைவர் டாக்டர் கலைஞரிடம்  வாதாடி  63   தொகுதிகளை பெற்றுத்தந்தார்.

தோண்டியப் போட்டுடைத்த ஆண்டிபண்டாரம் கணக்காக,தமிழ்நாடு காங்கிரஸ் தலைவர் திரு. கே.வி. தங்கபாலு  சுயநலத்துடன் செயல்பட்டார் , வேட்பாளர் தேர்வில் ஏகப்பட்ட குளறுபடிகளை செய்தார். திரு தங்கபாலுவின் எதேச்சையான செயல்பாடு காரணமாக, பல தொகுதிகளில் காங்கிரஸ் வேட்பாளர்களது வெற்றி வாய்ப்பு  கேள்விக்குரியதாக்கிவிட்டது , காங்கிரஸ் வாக்காளர் இடையே குழப்பத்தை  உருவாக்கி , காங்கிரஸ் பேருருவை சிதைத்துவிட்டது .

இவரின் இந்த முறைகேடான செயலால் சொந்த கட்சியினரிடம் இருந்தே பாதுகாப்பு தேடி வீட்டிலும் , கட்சி அலுவலகத்திலும் போலீஸ் துணையோடு நடமாடும் இவர், காங்கிரஸ் கட்சியின் கௌரவத்தையும் பெருமையையும் குழி தோண்டி புதைத்துவிட்டார். திரு . கே வி தங்கபாலுவை , தமிழ்நாடு காங்கிரஸ் தலைவர் பதவியிலிருந்தும், கட்சியின் அடிப்படை உறுப்பினர் பதவியிலிருந்தும் உடனடியாக நீக்கி தமிழக காங்கிரஸ் கட்சியை காப்பாற்ற வேண்டும்.

இது தொடர்பாக விரிவான கடிதம் அன்னை சோனியா காந்தி அவர்களுக்கும் , இளந்தலைவர் ராகுல் காந்தி அவர்களுக்கும் , தமிழ் நாடு காங்கிரஸ் கட்சியின் தொண்டர்கள் சார்பில் அனுப்பியுள்ளேன்.

Apr 20, 2011

rediff interview of vazhapadi K Ramamurthy

The Rediff Special /Vazhappadi Ramamurthy

'The Congress is a party of sycophants... I am proud of it. That is the culture of our party'

Vazhappadi Ramamurthy quit the Narasimha Rao government on a matter of principle, left the Congress along with Arjun Singh and N D Tiwari and returned to the parent party last year. Always outspoken, Ramamurthy discusses Sonia Gandhi's entry into the party, this month's organisational poll and a likely general election, in this first person piece, exclusive to Rediff On The NeT.
On Sonia Gandhi's entry into the party:
Sonia GandhiI am delighted to hear that Sonia Gandhi has enrolled herself as a primary member of the party. In 1991, our Tamil Nadu Congress unit under my leadership was the only PCC in India which unanimously passed a resolution that Soniaji should become the Congress president. We are consistent in our demand. I have always been saying that only she can save the party. When I met her recently, I requested her to take over the party leadership. The Congress is faction-ridden and directionless and I am sure that nobody except the Nehru family can save the party from further deterioration. And in the Nehru family, the only available leadership is from Sonia Gandhi.
Recently after my son's wedding, we went to Delhi and my son and daughter-in-law got her blessings. My relationship with Soniaji is a continuous one. Whether she comes to power or not is redundant to me. My personal attachment to the family is the most important thing in my life.
I am sorry to say that the media in this country is highly coloured. Just because somebody from that family is involved in Congress politics all the time, it does not mean that they have dominated the party and party men. They are also contesting elections. Rajiv Gandhi went to the polls six weeks after he became leader and won by a huge margin. And you call it family rule? We are democratic. You can say family rule is there in Indonesia or somewhere else, but not in India.
You just wait and see what will happen in the general election once Soniaji becomes leader. Compared to leaders of other parties, Soniaji'sleadership is far better than anybody else's. You may say that she has no experience. What about Deve Gowda? Did he have any experience? The same media gave Rajiv Gandhi the title 'Mr Clean' when he did not have any experience. I will not accept any of your arguments. Experience never counts in Indian politics.
You may consider her a foreigner but as far as we Congressmen and the Indian people are concerned, she is an Indian more than anybody else. She has a family here, her husband was an Indian and she has become an Indian citizen. How can you call her a foreigner?
I agree that there is a dearth of leadership in the party. That is the truth. You can't brush aside the truth. The leadership vacuum in the Congress has been there from 1991 onwards. You know very well how Narasimha Rao spoiled the Congress. You know how others are spoiling it now. So it is time that she took over. We do not want to elect some young leader and conduct experiments.
Whether you like it or not, the reality is that Sonia Gandhi is the party. The Congress is always known for its sycophants. Right from the days of Mahatma Gandhi, the Congress has been a party of sycophants. I am not ashamed of saying that. In fact, I am proud of it. That is the culture of our party.
Sitaram KesriI don't think Kesri does not want Sonia Gandhi as the party president. He is a veteran Congressman. He knows the party more than anybody else and he also knows the kind of affection the party members have for the Nehru family. So, I don't think he is afraid of anything. But I will tell you one thing: if Soniaji decides to become the Congress president, no power on this earth can prevent her.
Of course, we will have elections but the choice will be unanimous. She will be a unanimous choice of the millions of Congressmen in this country. Then the party will be rejuvenated and it will be in a position to face elections. If Rajiv Gandhi's children also want to join politics, we welcome them. We are all honoured.
You can't blame the party and the Nehru family for poverty. You can't bring about change in just fifty years. You compare ourselves with Pakistan or the African countries and then tell me. In the US, even after 200 years, they still have people who are homeless and dying of starvation.
The Congress party elections:
The allegations about the irregularities in the party polls is true. The Election Commission has given three adjournments after the party elections were postponed, and ultimately the AICC had to advance the date of the elections by a month to June 15. But Congressmen, particularly those in Tamil Nadu, feel that they are cheated because the last date of enrollment was March 31. The AICC should have conducted the elections with the particulars that were there till then, but for reasons known only to them they postponed the elections. Naturally the Election Commission has come down heavily on them.
Moreover, the Election Commission itself has said the elections have to be conducted according to the party constitution, but unfortunately it was not followed at all by the AICC. The calendar which the AICC prepared and the PCCs are asked to adopt is like this:
May 11: Publication of the electoral rolls at the district level.
May 12: Publication of the electoral rolls at the state level.
May 13: if I find any irregularities, I can appeal to the AICC.
Even if I were to fly, I wouldn't be able to reach there and appeal. According to the party rules, two months should be given for appeal, scrutiny etc. So, this is a clear violation of the rules. Their excuse is that the Election Commission has not given them enough time. Does that mean that I should be strangulated?
Thangabalu took over as ad hoc committee president at the end of February. They started enrollment from that day onwards. Now the PCC claims they have more than 2.8 million members. The funny thing is that in the last election when we fought in alliance with the AIADMK, we scored only 1.8 million votes. It means 1 million Congressmen did not vote for the Congress! In Coimbatore we are a big zero, but Thangabalu claims we have 350,000 members!
Our suspicion is that they have just paid money to the bank and are cooking up membership books. They have not verified how many membership books are received and how many are utilised. They are just using the census and voter's lists to fill in the books. You can find the names of the TMC, DMK and the AIADMK people in our books.
We have 56,000 polling booths. They claim they have conducted elections in all the 56,000 booths in one day. Tell me, how can it be possible? It is nothing but a mockery of democracy. It is a farce and they are cheating genuine members of the party.
I am telling you again, all this is a farce. They want to appoint somebody, they want to get it on the papers and they want to declare it. They are using the name of elections as an excuse, that's all. That is why all of us including one of the senior-most leaders, Maragatham Chandrasekhar, have criticised them. We are conducting elections after 25 years. And you call this an election?
We do not want this kind of election. How can you say this is a democratic party?
On Bofors:
I K GujralBofors is not a new issue. V P Singh became prime minister because of the Bofors card. In 1989, he said, if you elect me as prime minister, I will bring everything to light in 15 days. 1,500 days are over and still nothing has been lit. Whenever the family wants to come closer to politics, this is the bogey played by vested interests like Narasimha Rao, Deve Gowda and now Gujral. We know all this.
When he was prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi categorically said in Parliament that neither he nor his family members were involved in the Bofors affair. What more do you want? Now you are going by information leaked by the CBI. I am 1000% sure that Rajiv Gandhi's name is not there. I also know it will not affect the Congress in any way.
On I K Gujral versus Moopanar:
What I am saying does not have anything to do with my personal equation with Moopanar. When you have to choose between Moopanar and Gujral, Gujral is the best choice.
I know Moopanar well. The Indian prime minister should be a leading light. We should not become a laughing stock in front of the world. Even Deve Gowda had some previous experience as chief minister of a state. Moopanar does not only not have any experience, he has never had a clear idea on any issue. He does not answer clearly on anything. I know him in and out. He is the best man for making peace, that's all.
I don't agree with the view that he has shunned positions throughout his career. In politics, if anybody says he is not interested in power and is not aspiring for power, he is a hypocrite. Politics means achieving political power. If Moopanar does not aspire for power, why has he become a Rajya Sabha member, not once but thrice? It is he who says that he was offered Cabinet posts. Is there any prime minister who can clarify that?
The United Front Government:
This khitchdi of 14 parties will not continue for long. It is full of contradictions and it is directionless. It is like somebody coming for a vacation to occupy the prime minister's office. I am sure this will not continue. I expect a general election before next May. The next election will be a fight between the Congress and the BJP, and definitely the Congress will prevail.
We should not be blamed for supporting them. We will support the UF, but not at the cost of the Congress party. That does not mean that we have given power to the CPI-M to hold us by our throats. It does not mean the Janata Dal can say whatever they want against us.
It is true that Congressmen in the states are unhappy. You have to accept the reality. In Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, everywhere, they are unhappy. But at the state level, we are given freedom to attack them. I don't think it is contradictory. We have only 145 people so we cannot form the ministry on our own but we cannot destabilise the system. We cannot allow communal forces to come to power.
General Elections:
Laloo YadavAs far as the Congress is concerned, we are ever ready for elections. In fact, we are more prepared than any other party. We do not have to withdraw support for the UF to fall. They themselves will collapse. Eradicating corruption was one of their Common Minimum Programmes, then why are they scared of Laloo Prasad Yadav? Why didn't they discuss the charges against him at the last UF steering committee meeting? This is hypocrisy.
When Antulay was charged, Indira Gandhi asked him to step down the very next day. Gujral has no guts to say that to Laloo Yadav. The United Front steering committee has no guts. They are scared that the fragile alliance of 14 parties might collapse any time.
As told to Shobha Warrier
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